Villages-of-Cyprus – Prastio-Avdimou-Village

Information on Prastio Avdimou Village

Panagia Diakinousas Church in Prastio Avdimou Village               Photo ©

Prastio Avdimou Village is located in the Limassol District of Cyprus. The village lies close to Avdimou, Pachna, Anogyra, Agios Thomas and Paramali Villages.

The village is built at an average height of 600 metres above sea level, which allows for a cool temperature during the long hot Cyprus summer months and a mild temperature during the short winter months.

Prastio Avdimou was at one time a mixed village of Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot residents, with the majority of the residents being Greek Cypriots. The Turkish Cypriots left the village during the problems on the island and the village is now inhabited by predominantly Greek Cypriot residents.

The village acquired it’s name, according to legend, from the old Greek word Prastio, which meant a settlement. The small settlements were always near a larger settlement, or town, which were the administrative centre for the area. In this case, Avdimou Village, a village nearby, was the main administrative centre for the smaller settlements in the area. The settlements incorporated the link to the administrative centre by adding it’s name, thus the village was named Prastio Avdimou Village.

Prastio Avdimou Village dates back to medieval times and was mainly a farming village, cultivating crops and rearing it’s livestock of sheep and goats. Carob trees and olive trees were also in abundance and added another source of income for the village.

The population of the village has fluctuated over the years, reaching a peak in 1973 recording 275 permanent residents. The official census of 2001 shows 223 registered permanent residents, with the figure reduced today to around 200 permanent residents.

The Agios Ioannis The Theologian Church was built in 1900 and dominates the village square. A festival is held in the village on 26 September each year commemorating the saint.

The Pagagia Diakinousas Church was originally built in the 14th century. The church is of historic importance due to the architecture and the icons inside. The church is on the UNESCO Heritage List and the area surrounding the church has recently been renovated with new walkways, landscaped gardens and toilets.

Prastio Avdimou Village                                                 Photo ©

Prastio Avdimou Village                                                 Photo ©

Prastio Avdimou Village                                                 Photo ©

Prastio Avdimou Village                                                 Photo ©

Prastio Avdimou Village                                                 Photo ©