Cyprus Business Directory

Looking for goods and services in Cyprus? We have a large database of English speaking businesses in our Cyprus Business Directory. Browse at your own leisure the many categories available.

We also have a Community section in our Business Directory for Charities, Animal Shelters, Support Groups, Clubs and Associations where they may place a free listing.

Do you own a business in Cyprus? Have you listed in our free Cyprus Business Directory yet? We offer a description of the business, telephone contact, email facility, logo upload and a link back to your website or social media page.

Businesses are allowed one free listing.

We only accept listings from the Cyprus government controlled areas (South Cyprus) in our Business Directory.

We do not accept listings from businesses that are similar to our website, sorry.

To place your free business listing, you will first need to register with us, a simple procedure. You will find details on how to register and list/edit on our FAQ page here

You may view our Cyprus Business Directory here